Long Covid

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Re: Long Covid

Post by just-jim »

woodman wrote: Tue Jul 18, 2023 1:19 pm
just-jim wrote: Sat Jun 10, 2023 6:47 pm
woodman wrote: Sat Jun 10, 2023 8:49 am I don't buy your friends explanation about why flu numbers diminished. There should be some scientific studies proving that schools are a particular breeding ground for influenza, and that closing the schools was the direct cause of the decrease in flu numbers in 2020/21. His employers funding depends upon conforming to the Fauci lie. https://www.bitchute.com/video/DMBK4LjQlqrE/
I dont care whether or not you do take the word of one of the top virologists in the US who has 40 YEARS working on RESPIRATORY virus. And for the ‘scientific studies’, why would you care, now? You could look for them, yourself. But, you’ve already shown yourself, repeatedly, ready to believe just about any bs that you find in the sewer of the internet - like bitchute - in order to further support your conspiracy laden confirmation bias. You abandoned science loooong ago.
Maybe it is time to admit that you were just wrooong....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q98Uanj4ssY
A great big ol’ YAAAWN here….more bullsh+t from from people with some ‘letters’ after their names which mean little in the world of virology, epidemiology or internal medicine. A surgeon and a ‘medical economist”…LAUGHABLE!

This is just more conspiracy trash….barely worth responding to. I didnt need to watch very much, either.

This is the equivalent of a journeyman plumber and an electrician discussing how to fix the power-plant on a nuclear submarine! They only understand a few bits they can see. It is classic ‘Dunning - Krueger’; they are too ill informed to understand how little they know. Either that….or they are deliberately trying to mislead people.

You have shown yourself - repeatedly - unable to either understand 1) how REAL science works, or 2) WHAT constitutes EXPERTISE in the very narrow lanes of science.

I might be wrong. But my family member isn’t. His expertise and background cancel all these idiots. All The Time.

Science doesnt work on picking and choosing what seems to work to reinforce your confirmation bias. When you do that - you end up crushed, in pieces, at the bottom of the ocean, in your “sub”, because you didnt listen to those who do know….
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Re: Long Covid

Post by Rideback »

No, your comment is based on conspiracy theories and disinformation, not to mention it fails a common sense test.

https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph- ... -pandemic/
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Re: Long Covid

Post by Jingles »

Big if not biggest reason flu numbers were down is because nearly every death and illness was reported as the China flu. Mattered not if the person died from a heart attack or a massive stroke they tested for covid if found, cause of death was recorded as covid caused.
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Re: Long Covid

Post by woodman »

just-jim wrote: Sat Jun 10, 2023 6:47 pm
woodman wrote: Sat Jun 10, 2023 8:49 am I don't buy your friends explanation about why flu numbers diminished. There should be some scientific studies proving that schools are a particular breeding ground for influenza, and that closing the schools was the direct cause of the decrease in flu numbers in 2020/21. His employers funding depends upon conforming to the Fauci lie. https://www.bitchute.com/video/DMBK4LjQlqrE/
I dont care whether or not you do take the word of one of the top virologists in the US who has 40 YEARS working on RESPIRATORY virus. And for the ‘scientific studies’, why would you care, now? You could look for them, yourself. But, you’ve already shown yourself, repeatedly, ready to believe just about any bs that you find in the sewer of the internet - like bitchute - in order to further support your conspiracy laden confirmation bias. You abandoned science loooong ago.
Maybe it is time to admit that you were just wrooong....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q98Uanj4ssY
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Re: Long Covid

Post by just-jim »

woodman wrote: Sat Jun 10, 2023 8:49 am I don't buy your friends explanation about why flu numbers diminished. There should be some scientific studies proving that schools are a particular breeding ground for influenza, and that closing the schools was the direct cause of the decrease in flu numbers in 2020/21. His employers funding depends upon conforming to the Fauci lie. https://www.bitchute.com/video/DMBK4LjQlqrE/
I dont care whether or not you do take the word of one of the top virologists in the US who has 40 YEARS working on RESPIRATORY virus. And for the ‘scientific studies’, why would you care, now? You could look for them, yourself. But, you’ve already shown yourself, repeatedly, ready to believe just about any bs that you find in the sewer of the internet - like bitchute - in order to further support your conspiracy laden confirmation bias. You abandoned science loooong ago.
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Re: Long Covid

Post by Rideback »

During the Spanish flu schools were closed for months.
https://crooksandliars.com/2023/06/harr ... panish-flu
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Re: Long Covid

Post by woodman »

just-jim wrote: Mon May 15, 2023 1:32 pm
woodman wrote: Mon May 15, 2023 9:50 am As far as covid itself is concerned it does not make sense that in the 2020/2021 flu season the number of flu cases reported was reduced to almost nil while Covid was apparently at pandemic levels. I don't know how to come to terms with that in a way that validates a true pandemic. I don't know about you, but that was an egregious example of data manipulation as far as I'm concerned. If the data are correct, then maybe you conclude that all the masking, social distancing/stay home stay safe measures as well as hand sanitizer frenzy germaphobia inadvertently did a better job controlling influenza by far than Covid. Then I wonder if the flu jab is worth it since the Covid measures did a much better job managing flu than the flu shot ever did. Maybe if we knew this when influenza became a concern several years ago we could have eradicated it using covid measures that certainly seemed to work well at practically eliminating the flu in 2020/2021. What is the explanation? Is it because Covid is more deadly that it simply killed off the people who would have succumbed to flu later on that same year or is data manipulation a more likely explanation? Maybe most of the people who succumbed to the flu year in and year out all had co-morbidities, and so in the season of covid, this novel disease was simply more deadly, and affected many of the same at-risk groups that would have succumbed to the flu if not for covid.
I wondered about flu cases during Covid, too.

My Virologist family member had an explanation for this. (He’s a 40+ yr researcher on Respiratory viruses, runs a large research lab at a major university, and an elected a fellow of the Am. Academy for Advancement of Science, AAAS). When I asked him, he said:
‘That’s actually a pretty simple answer. Seasonal Flu is mostly transmitted in schools and offices. Kids pass flu around and then they bring it home to kill grandma and grandpa. With almost all schools and most offices closed, flu couldn’t circulate. Flu also appears to be less easily transmitted – in other public spaces - than Covid, so it almost disappeared.’
I don't buy your friends explanation about why flu numbers diminished. There should be some scientific studies proving that schools are a particular breeding ground for influenza, and that closing the schools was the direct cause of the decrease in flu numbers in 2020/21. His employers funding depends upon conforming to the Fauci lie. https://www.bitchute.com/video/DMBK4LjQlqrE/
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Re: Long Covid

Post by Rideback »

A friend posted this today, in case anyone thought that the Covid grifters have disappeared. No. There's way to much money to be had with the Covid grift.

'Yeah, I know that I told you that Covid is mostly over and my days as a Facebook blogger are pretty much over as well…but I saw two things in my newsfeed today that caught my attention and I wanted to share them with you.
The first was an article from TIME—“Right Wing Doctors Are Still Peddling Dubious COVID Drugs.” You will see a few familiar names in there and a reopening of issues we discussed extensively during the darkest days of the pandemic. There is a lot of attention on America’s Frontline Doctors and its founder, convicted January 6th insurrectionist Simone Gold, with the reporter drawing pretty direct lines between the group’s unethical practices and specific patient deaths.
They note that Gold is now involved in lawsuits with America’s Frontline Doctors over accusations of using the group’s funds to support a pretty lavish lifestyle, multiple luxury vehicles, and a multi-million dollar home in Florida. They point out that she and others continue to make money promoting and prescribing dangerous unproven therapies like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
Gold has set up an online medical practice based in Florida (of course)…memberships cost $200 per month with lifetime memberships costing $20,000…all of that not including doctors fees, which are $400 per hour.
A visit to the GoldCare website is a rehash of all of the worst politically infused misinformation that we experienced during the pandemic. If you are missing Tucker Carlson, go spend some time looking at this 🐂💩. Gold describes herself as a “visionary” and “the founder of America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS), saving countless thousands of lives from the virus and freeing millions more from government propaganda and corruption.”
The website recommends using “freedom pharmacies” that specifically are cited as offering ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
They have a “Healthy Kids” program (which makes me wonder about child abuse...)
The online practice as described seems like the perfect medical home for QAnon members, Proud Boys, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Robert Kennedy Jr., and other conspiracy theorists. The clear and obvious link to extreme right wing politics and the media that promotes dangerous and deadly misinformation could not be clearer.
They are still out there, and as we enter the next election cycle, we may find them right back in our faces. Be aware that they will try to rewrite what you experienced and saw with your own eyes, much as we are seeing that occur with the reframing of the events of January 6th…and they are connected!
Read the article in TIME at https://time.com/.../ivermectin-americas-frontline.../
On MedPage Today, I came across an opinion piece by emergency physician Edwin Leap, entitled “Removing the COVID Blindfold—a few lessons learned as we move beyond the public health emergency.”
This passage caught my attention:
“One of the bitterest (lessons) was that patients and physicians alike can be pulled into the black hole of cultural and political strife. So much of the discord that happened during the pandemic was clearly demarcated by politics. Yes, it revolved around vaccines, masks, and lock-downs; around information and disinformation, and all the rest. Still, all of that was tied to ideology and tribe. And the result was a politicized public health response and a politicized reaction by the populace.
“Both sides became far too toxic and we may never know how much injury and death, how many lives wrecked and jobs lost, grew out of that Balkanization. Sadly, it will take years to reestablish proper trust on all sides.”
Please pay attention and let us not repeat the mistakes of the past.
Truth matters. Now more than ever.'
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Re: Long Covid

Post by just-jim »

woodman wrote: Mon May 15, 2023 9:50 am As far as covid itself is concerned it does not make sense that in the 2020/2021 flu season the number of flu cases reported was reduced to almost nil while Covid was apparently at pandemic levels. I don't know how to come to terms with that in a way that validates a true pandemic. I don't know about you, but that was an egregious example of data manipulation as far as I'm concerned. If the data are correct, then maybe you conclude that all the masking, social distancing/stay home stay safe measures as well as hand sanitizer frenzy germaphobia inadvertently did a better job controlling influenza by far than Covid. Then I wonder if the flu jab is worth it since the Covid measures did a much better job managing flu than the flu shot ever did. Maybe if we knew this when influenza became a concern several years ago we could have eradicated it using covid measures that certainly seemed to work well at practically eliminating the flu in 2020/2021. What is the explanation? Is it because Covid is more deadly that it simply killed off the people who would have succumbed to flu later on that same year or is data manipulation a more likely explanation? Maybe most of the people who succumbed to the flu year in and year out all had co-morbidities, and so in the season of covid, this novel disease was simply more deadly, and affected many of the same at-risk groups that would have succumbed to the flu if not for covid.
I wondered about flu cases during Covid, too.

My Virologist family member had an explanation for this. (He’s a 40+ yr researcher on Respiratory viruses, runs a large research lab at a major university, and an elected a fellow of the Am. Academy for Advancement of Science, AAAS). When I asked him, he said:
‘That’s actually a pretty simple answer. Seasonal Flu is mostly transmitted in schools and offices. Kids pass flu around and then they bring it home to kill grandma and grandpa. With almost all schools and most offices closed, flu couldn’t circulate. Flu also appears to be less easily transmitted – in other public spaces - than Covid, so it almost disappeared.’
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Re: Long Covid

Post by mister_coffee »

You need to actually get out and talk to some people who actually are suffering from long COVID.

I don't understand how the medical-pharma-insurance industrial complex has a dog in that fight, since at this time they can offer no effective treatment to the many people visibly suffering.

We know that there are pretty serious long-term consequences to infection with SARS and MERS, both closely related to COVID-19 and it is reasonable to expect similar long-term damage from COVID-19.
:arrow: David Bonn :idea:
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Re: Long Covid

Post by woodman »

The NPR interview is fear mongering disguised as a "public health" message. I recall from the Covid news I was getting since the beginning that co-morbidities always raised the prospect of getting "Covid" and more severe Covid, so my concern is that there are already so many risk factors threatening our health in the US.

The industry that demands our undivided attention while they come up with a solution does not seem to be concerned about obesity, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. from the perspective of what you put in your pie hole. They don't prioritize avoiding processed foods, and in fact if you have the unfortunate experience of having to be an inpatient in a hospital, you will get processed food while you lay in bed 90% of your stay. Does that seem like "health care" to you? We are 5% of the world's population, but we use more than 50% of the drugs.

The interviewee throws out a number like 200 million people who are purportedly affected by "Long Covid". That is roughly 3% of the worlds population, but the number is significant enough to catch the attention of millions more who may be wondering if the symptoms they are experiencing lately may be due to "Long Covid". Whether you agree with my conspiratorial point of view or not you can see how this can be used to get more customers for whatever medical treatment that is in the protocol to treat the symptoms that they tell is a result of "long covid". Having physical symptoms is part of life. They used to call it the human condition. Health is our birthright, and we don't need the medical establishment to dictate how to maintain health. Maybe if you leave physical symptoms be, and focus on eating a species appropriate diet, and avoid processed foods you will recognize that the symptoms are the body's attempt to purge itself of a toxin, but the drugs and poisons add insult to injury by masking the symptoms.

As far as covid itself is concerned it does not make sense that in the 2020/2021 flu season the number of flu cases reported was reduced to almost nil while Covid was apparently at pandemic levels. I don't know how to come to terms with that in a way that validates a true pandemic. I don't know about you, but that was an egregious example of data manipulation as far as I'm concerned. If the data are correct, then maybe you conclude that all the masking, social distancing/stay home stay safe measures as well as hand sanitizer frenzy germaphobia inadvertently did a better job controlling influenza by far than Covid. Then I wonder if the flu jab is worth it since the Covid measures did a much better job managing flu than the flu shot ever did. Maybe if we knew this when influenza became a concern several years ago we could have eradicated it using covid measures that certainly seemed to work well at practically eliminating the flu in 2020/2021. What is the explanation? Is it because Covid is more deadly that it simply killed off the people who would have succumbed to flu later on that same year or is data manipulation a more likely explanation? Maybe most of the people who succumbed to the flu year in and year out all had co-morbidities, and so in the season of covid, this novel disease was simply more deadly, and affected many of the same at-risk groups that would have succumbed to the flu if not for covid.
Fun CH
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Re: Long Covid

Post by Fun CH »

What's so funny 'bout peace love and understanding--Nick Lowe
Can't talk to a man who don't want to understand--Carol King
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Re: Long Covid

Post by Rideback »

Great interview. Good information on cognitive rehab and how long covid is more like a brain injury than the kind of decline seen with Alzheimer's where it drip drip drip continues to progress worse and worse.

The observation that it's not just the people who were on ventilators and had intense ICU journeys who suffer from the effects, it's just as frequent to see the people with the most mild of cases develop long covid. I do hope this won't translate into results where we'll see the little kids who got the 'mild' cases end up with long term effects.
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Long Covid

Post by just-jim »

Interesting podcast on long covid on NPRs Fresh Air this week; https://www.npr.org/programs/fresh-air/

From the show;
-Estimated 200 million people, worldwide, suffering long covid.
-Major problems with dementia showing up
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