Florida manipulates Covid data

Fun CH
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by Fun CH »

Rideback wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 8:15 pm CDC weighs in on their page about how vaccines impacted transmission
https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nc ... ansmission.

Re read the original article. The FL Surgeon General is still omitting the research about covid itself being dangerous.

The premise that not giving people complete information from their own state health administrator stands on its own, it doesn't need to have a count of how many died, how many became ill or how many transmitted the disease (how many would you demand before it becomes an issue?).
like I said, CDC had all the information anyone needed to make an informed decision about Covid mitigation.

Did you consult our State surgeon general's Covid information? I didn't? I'm asking you for proof that the Florida's surgeon generals apparent information made any significant difference given all the misinformation that was available at the time and is still going on.

Impossible to know.

And yes. If a vaccine reduces virual load, transmission rates will be lower over all. The misinformation out there is that our Gov stated that the vaccine stops a person from being able to infect someone else. That isn't true. We have always known that some people who were vaxed can still become seriously ill, can transmit the virus and even die from Covid complications.
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by Rideback »

CDC weighs in on their page about how vaccines impacted transmission
https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nc ... ansmission.

Re read the original article. The FL Surgeon General is still omitting the research about covid itself being dangerous.

The premise that not giving people complete information from their own state health administrator stands on its own, it doesn't need to have a count of how many died, how many became ill or how many transmitted the disease (how many would you demand before it becomes an issue?).
Fun CH
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by Fun CH »

I'd like those who think the Florida surgeon generals manipulation of data had a cause and effect relationship with increased covid numbers or deaths in the state of Florida, please post the science. What? You don't have any?

There was a lot of information from the CDC concerning the effects Covid had on our bodies. So the information was out there regardless of what the surgeon General of Florida was putting out. There was also an assortment of misinformation from many sources, so its up to each person to advocate and mitigate for the own medical needs.

And no, the CDC never said that the Covid vaccine prevented transmission of the disease.
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Fun CH
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by Fun CH »

dorankj wrote: Sun Apr 09, 2023 11:24 am Maybe putting Trump back in the lime-light will help their sorrowful ratings but it also may re-elect him!
no doubt that Trump is a money maker for news media living rent free in a lot of peoples heads. My favorite is news stories that use an named source citing here say evidence and the left laps it up as truth and then spews it out as if they alone are the arbiters of that truth.

Ken, does the right have this same problem with its media, like fake stories about the Biden family?
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by just-jim »

Ken, I’m tired of your flappy-handed hysteria about ‘power hungry’ etc etc. It’s always just more what-about-isms and “ya, but…” with you. And gathering in more extraneous, unrelated, bs. You seem angry that I don’t take the time to argue the points that YOU want to make. It’s too bad if you are incapable of making a cogent argument or finding sources….but it ain’t my job. Please go find another thread to crap in.

BTW – no, so called ‘natural immunity’ is not better….if it were we would never have had needed vaccines.

And no, the vaccines are not ‘experimental’ in the sense you think they are and they were not ‘rushed’. The only procedures that were ‘rushed’ was the typical month or years back and forth between manufacturers and FDA re labeling, packaging, reporting, etc; e.g. the paperwork. ALL the testing and trials for covid were done EXACTLY the same as for any previous vaccine. My information comes from a family member; a renown Virologist (most of his career in respiratory viruses), fellow of AAAS, developer of several vaccines and advisor to the CDC – who knows, very well, how the vaccine approval process works both pre covid and now.

I know scores of nurses, Drs, etc, both current and retired and only know one who passed on the vaccine. She was fired.
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by Rideback »

You aren't giving me any links to scientific studies to demonstrate your points. So I'm going to ignore what instead are your opinions.

Read all the way through.
https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/adu ... -19-surges

This is the same age group which was not informed by the Florida Surgeon General that they were in more danger from side effects of getting covid than from the vax's. So, by manipulating the data, in a 'retirement state' the Surgeon General was, by extension, putting more Floridians' health at risk.
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by dorankj »

It DOESN’T prevent transmission! (wasn’t even tested for that) So you have no point.

Those vax rates are ‘reported’ as everyone was threatened with job/career loss without jab! I actually work in the industry and talk to all these people. BTW, FFs ran the vax clinics on the west side.
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by Rideback »

Ken, a non issue as you refer to the under 50 crowd who get covid would not have the demonstrably high rate of covid that they have. And they have died, gotten long covid and suffered in huge numbers. Granted, their rates are not as high as those over 50 but then how many of the over 50 crowd were infected by the under 50 crowd that could have been prevented if we'd had high rates of innoculation? Of course because of the rollout of the vaccines and the approvals by CDC, WHO and FDC the under 50 crowd didn't have access to the vax until late in the game, which only added to the numbers.

As to the vax rates in health care workers, as of Oct '22, they had an 87.3% rate of the primary doses and a 67.1% rate of receiving the boosters which is higher than the average population.

https://theconversation.com/low-vaccine ... ist-187272
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by dorankj »

Jim tells you both to STOP it! You’re not on topic. (Oh wait he only says that to people he disagrees with)

I have had far more exposure to Covid from the very beginning and through every ‘variant’ and response always having to work and treat those most in need of care. I assure you Jim, nowhere near “99.9%” of first responders nurses and Dr.s have taken the jab. None of them want ‘2 million dead’ or have ‘thrown up their hands’! They know Covid is largely a non-issue for healthy able-bodied people under 60 and natural immunity is real and effective and preventing transmission of a microscopic respiratory virus is an impossibility (and why try for that if you desire natural immunity and believe it will be a mild issue for your health and age status?)

What’s truly frightening is power hungry politicians and bureaucrats who are given the power and control to ‘shut down’ everything, say who’s ‘essential’ or not and force experimental ‘medication’ with limited and rushed data and knowledge using firings to force compliance!

What happened to ‘liberals’, hippies and libertarians who questioned everything about government ‘information’ and kept a close check on It’s power and control?
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by mister_coffee »

I would think that if you would refuse an nRNA vaccine for covid, that has been proven extremely safe and effective, then you wouldn't choose to use the same mRNA technology for other medical conditions. But maybe I am assuming that people aren't monstrous hypocrites.

I also think that while "freedom to choose" (in this case, it seems like it was the freedom to choose to get very sick and sicken and kill others) is valuable. One has to keep in mind that the risks and costs associated with that choice aren't evenly distributed across our society. We also have huge amounts of misinformation about the actual risks where you have to question whether most people are able to make an informed decision.

In any event, we have to accept the fact that we *still* have limited information about COVID and its long-term effects, but what we've learned in the last couple of years is mostly very bad. You don't want to get COVID if you can avoid it, and you certainly don't want to get it multiple times. Most civilians also have limited ability to make sense of scientific papers. And we all know that people make awful decisions in regards to evaluating risks all the time.

So from my standpoint any idea of "freedom of choice" is really throwing up your hands and abdicating any responsibility. It seems to me that most of the million-plus COVID deaths we had were preventable, but the anti-vaxxers aren't satisfied and want to go for two million.

Happily and healthily vaccinated and covid free. And I'm keeping it that way as long as possible!
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by pasayten »

I was vaxxed with Pfizer at the recommended intervals and have yet to get Covid... Have also been directly exposed multiple times along the way to those who at the time were having Covid or later tested positive for Covid results...

Not bad for an old 75 y/o fat guy...
Maybe I just have one of those "superior" genetics and immune systems Ken talked about...
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by just-jim »

STOP it Ken!
The article was about the State of Florida manipulating data for its own political ends. Period.
It was NOT about you getting butt-hurt over a perfectly safe vaccine that 99.9 of first line responders took.
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by dorankj »

You don’t give a crap about “manipulated data”, only shoehorning a political attack against your perceived enemies and trying to deflect all the mis-information and mis-handling by those you agree with. You get em keyboard warrior!
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by Rideback »

Read the article, yes, the Florida Surgeon General left off the data about the side effects of getting covid. That manipulation makes a difference for people who are trying to decide if they want to be vaxed in Florida.
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by dorankj »

“Manipulated the data”? The freaking president of the US and his media acolytes said you wouldn’t get Covid or transmit it if you got the jab, catch a clue!

You know I actually AM a health care worker at the front lines of this, never working remotely or getting paid for nothing? I think I have a pretty clear idea who had problems and why over this.
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by Rideback »

First, your question of why shouldn't people have the right to choose what medicine they put in their body?
The point of the article is that by manipulating the data and then putting it out there in the public domain while people were making decisions about the risks those same people were denied information that they needed to inform their decision making.

And for the people who only got a minor cold when they got covid, they're pretty lucky. But for the 6,893,190 people globally who died from covid, the 1,125,366 people in the US who died from covid and for the millions who are suffering from long covid I'm thinking you would hear some pretty loud objections to your characterizations.
Then there's the health care workers and our system as a whole that suffered because people didn't take life saving precautions. Covid continues to create variants, it continues to evolve.
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by dorankj »

I seem to have to point this out often on this board “hey pot, meet kettle!” So if you acknowledge there are in fact side effects, shouldn’t people have the medical freedom to choose what to put in their body? For most healthy people Covid was only a pretty minor cold and those desiring natural (and possibly superior) immunity; bulldozing huge constitutional and medical ethical issues should give all pause!

In what way are people who chose not to take this particular (forced) mRNA ‘vaccine’ (that didn’t prevent transmission) eliminated from using actual medical treatments for disease or maladies they believe they have an actual risk from in the future? You take your elitism and government power/force entirely too seriously!
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by mister_coffee »

What I think is humorous is the mRNA vaccines seem to be a key and dramatic breakthrough, and the kooks out there have blocked themselves from taking advantage of the potentially life-saving treatments that will likely derive from it in the future. So they can stay in the eighteenth century and we normies can enjoy the benefits of the 21st while they last.

So think about it as Evolution in Action. Except the kooks don't even believe in evolution.
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by Rideback »

You have a habit of interpreting peoples' writings to fit your own agenda. Again, this is a thread about Florida manipulating Covid data to put Floridians in harm's way by not including data which said that getting covid is more dangerous than side effects of the vaccine.
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by dorankj »

Wow! So you only care about people’s lives if you can use it for political attacks. There is most definitely a concern whether younger/healthier people have any real risk of severe issue from Covid and there is certainly a level of risk from the ‘vaccine’, look around the world. ‘Data’ has been manipulated all over this issue and that’s why there is so little trust of ‘authorities’ and continuing a one sided partisan attack campaign will only further that mis-trust.
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by Rideback »

Again. Cuomo did NOT 'FORCE' the nursing homes to take the patients. Your words and they are words you borrowed from right wing pundits.

And again, it wouldn't matter to this thread if Cuomo had personally given covid to every person in NY because this thread is about how the Florida Surgeon General manipulated the data about the Covid vax's that put men in danger under his care in the state of Florida.
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by dorankj »

It most certainly is true, and you agreed “Yes, Covid patients that were transferred also brought in Covid and likely infected residents”. Cuomo required facilities accept positive patients, that decision was deadly for a vulnerable population. Alternatives were available, but your “kool aid” is just so superior!
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by mister_coffee »

Kind of pointless to argue with someone so full of kool aid. And arguably and tragically too late anyway.
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by Rideback »

You said that 'Cuomo forced nursing homes to accept covid patients'. That is not true and I posted a link that explained why it was not true.
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Re: Florida manipulates Covid data

Post by dorankj »

You really are amazing! You say I’m definitely wrong but then immediately agree that what I said is actually true. Interesting trick.
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