Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by Rideback »

I'd be inclined to think that narcissism plays into the obsession with staying in front of the camera.
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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by mister_coffee »

Rideback wrote: Tue Apr 25, 2023 10:24 am ... He's reportedly worth $400 million so he can afford to hang back ...
I often have to wonder why someone with that much money would go to work at all. And I suspect it would improve our economic system a lot if people with a net worth above a certain amount were "graduated" out of the labor pool.
:arrow: David Bonn :idea:
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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by Rideback »

Carlson's credibility has narrowed. He is still the standard bearer of the conspiracy Trump world but that group has narrowed substantially.

He has now been fired from MSNBC, CNN and Fox. His options are limited of where to go. He's reportedly worth $400 million so he can afford to hang back but neither OAN or Newsmax are in a position to hire him as they're facing Dominion and Smartmatic suits.
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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by Fun CH »

pasayten wrote: Tue Apr 25, 2023 1:38 am Bye bye Tucker Carlson... Ken's favorite "news" sources starting to disappear... :lol:
I agree with Ken here, why are you trolling your own forum members?

And Carlson isn't going anywhere. Fox's move made him stronger and gave him more credibility in the eyes of his followers.
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Can't talk to a man who don't want to understand--Carol King
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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by dorankj »

You have a very strange fetish over me! Psycho analyze yourself.
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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by pasayten »

Bye bye Tucker Carlson... Ken's favorite "news" sources starting to disappear... :lol:
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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by just-jim »

Riley Williams, who directed a mob toward Nancy Pelosi's office on Jan. 6, has been sentenced to 3 years in prison.
In the real, non-trump, world actions have consequences. Criminal actions have REAL consequences.
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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by Rideback »

As pointed out in the link, one of the reasons that DoJ prosecutors had released all the footage over a year ago to defense attorneys (which then caused 6 months of delay) was in anticipation of the J6 counsel crying foul if and when Fox decided to cherry pick footage. By anticipating this move the prosecutors were then able to demonstrate on Sunday with their filing that indeed what TC released had already been in the hands of the J6 defendants' counsel and more specifically in the hands of the Shaman's hands at the time he pled guilty. ... errorists/
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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by Rideback »

Is that the sound of your finally listening to reason? Your arguments are always attacks on the messengers, never bringing actual links of evidence to your posts but instead just asking everyone to listen/watch the liars that create the misinformation.

Think about it. When faced with the information that Tucker Carlson and Fox pundits and exec's stated under oath that they were lying to the public on their programs, that Trump lost to Biden, that they hated Trump and knew they were agitating Americans to participate in J6, you choose to go in for a 2nd bite and believe this next round of lies.

As the prosecutors put in their filing on Sunday, the release of Tucker's footage last week was footage that had already been available to the attorneys for the J6 defendants. It was nothing new.
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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by dorankj »

You’re rambling and making no sense, Al la Charlie Brown’s teacher wawawawawawa.
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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by Rideback »

Are you thinking that somehow an accounting of 2020 overall will erase what happened Jan 6?
There have been thorough and complete accountings of all the actions, riots, rallies, law breaking across the states in 2020, you just haven't gone to the trouble of looking them up. In the meantime, J6 stands alone and if you're looking for accounting I don't understand why you then insist on turning a blind eye and typing whataboutisms.

The system is working (albeit slower than all of us had hoped for) but it's a personal responsibility to follow the ball not the fox.
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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by dorankj »

I don’t recall the same measured view of police and their actions and all the abuse and actual killings of people during all the ‘protests’ of 2020. Someday we will have actual fair accounting of actions and response by protesters and police and not blind support of one or the other based on what politics you hold and what ‘boogeyman’ (Trump) you think it will hurt!
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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by Rideback »

Ashley Babbit was 35 and a member of the military who was part of the mob that broke down the doors and windows to get onto the floor of the House. She was warned by the officer to back off. She did not. He shot her in the shoulder. The officer faced 3 investigations, the Capitol Police, DC police and the DoJ. He was held accountable by the process that unanimously found his actions were justified. That same mom that Babbit was in tased officers, beat officers, sh** all over the Capital building itself, hung a noose up just feet from the doors and shouted 'hang Mike Pence'.

Over a hundred officers were beaten, tased and brutalized. They have given testimony to those facts under oath to the public. 2 officers had heart attacks and were hospitalized, one died the next day. The attacks can't be minimized by false editing, the reality is out there. Tucker Carlson received over 40,000 hours of videos which would take him and his staff nearly 7 years to view yet they said they had gone thru them in a matter of days. In what world can that be possible? A world where FOX lies, again. ... index.html

Roughly 114 US Capitol Police officers reported injuries as a result of the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, a government watchdog said in a new report Monday, well above the previously widely reported estimate of around 80 injured officers.

The Government Accountability Office surveyed Capitol Police officers who responded to the riot. The report says of roughly 1,782 officers employed by the Capitol Police between June and September 2021, around 315 responded – the largest response group of any investigation thus far into the department. For example, the Capitol Police inspector general reported reaching out to around 86 officers, with only 36 responding.

U.S. Capitol Police officer Aquilino Gonell cries as he watches a video during the House Select Committee investigating the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol on July 27, 2021 at the Canon House Office Building in Washington, DC. Members of law enforcement testified about the attack by supporters of former President Donald Trump on the U.S. Capitol. According to authorities, about 140 police officers were injured when they were trampled, had objects thrown at them, and sprayed with chemical irritants during the insurrection. (Photo by Andrew Harnik/Pool/Getty Images)
Capitol Police officer testifies at sentencing of January 6 rioter who attacked him
The report also notes 150 Capitol Police officers reported using force 293 times during the day. Some officers who responded told the GAO they had hesitated to use force because they worried the department wouldn’t support their decision, and that a perceived concern about optics by members of Congress influenced decision making.

“Of these, 57 respondents indicated that they felt that the leadership culture of the Capitol Police generally discouraged them from using force or that officers were hesitant to use force because of a fear of disciplinary actions,” the report said.'
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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by dorankj »

The only person killed that day was a unarmed small woman by a police officer who has never had any accountability for what justified that one person be shot. Stop perpetuating lies.
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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by Rideback »

Ken, yes there is no longer any doubt and I would hope that you'd look at your comments and recognize that the truth is not that Tucker has exposed any lies, he has not exposed any editing by the J6 committee. All Tucker has been and is doing is trying to hold onto his mega paycheck and he's using every con man's trick in the book and then some to make you turn away from the truth. But there comes a time when every con man gets run out of town on a pole and Tucker and his Fox world are about to have that happen. The con is collapsing in the face of facts. And no, there is no response to the Prosecutors' response on Sunday, the one you wrote is what was posted before the Dominion case showed the receipts in Fox's own writings and own testimony. There is no circling back here, Fox when they''re under oath and not on stage have told us that J6 was an insurrection, an act of sedition and more which killed people, destroyed public property and was planned and coordinated among layers of 'tools' (that's what the Proud Boys and Oathkeepers called their followers who they used to carry out the raid) on up the chain of command into the WH. There was no great election steal but there was a great con to make Americans into Trump's tools so he could stay in power.
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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by just-jim »

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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by dorankj »

Well gee, I guess that’s just the end of it then. Oh well. There’s a refuting story to that one too. The heavily edited crap came from the J-6 propaganda make believe with sound added for effect and an ABC producer hired to sell their “horseshit”!
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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by just-jim »

Here you go, Ken…..
“Prosecutors on Sunday rejected the notion that newly public footage of Jacob Chansley — known as the QAnon Shaman — accompanied by police in the Capitol undercuts his criminal conduct on Jan. 6, 2021.

In their first response since Fox News’ Tucker Carlson aired the footage — supplied to him by Speaker Kevin McCarthy — prosecutors indicated that Carlson aired footage only from a four-minute period toward the end of Chansley’s hourlong trip through the Capitol, omitting the most incriminating aspects of his conduct.”
. ... e-00086703

Turns out you were watching heavily edited fox horseshit….but then, we all knew that all along, didn’t we?
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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by Rideback »

Look at my other post about how the Dominion case has the power to take down the Fox empire.

By the way, I'd be curious what missing evidence you think would exonnerate the J6 insurrectionists while Tucker is busy trying to re write history. Maybe a note from the Shaman's mother saying he's crazy don't hurt him is what you had in mind?
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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by dorankj »

Quite the “these aren’t the droids you’re looking for” response! Didn’t know you’re a Jedi too.
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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by Rideback »

Your 'whataboutisms' fails. Fox wrote this script and they have no one to blame but their own overriding greed.
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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by dorankj »

If only we could get the same for all the thousands of protesters and obstructionists who raged all 2020 doing the same thing at police stations, federal buildings and even took over entire city blocks I might think we have any semblance of equal justice under the law.
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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by Rideback »

As you can read from the posts I put up, the 2nd defense attorney the Shaman had as well as the first attorney had access to almost all of the footage. Of course the Shaman is not in all 41,000 hours, nor do I suspect that his attorney would have been paid to go through all of those hours. Kind of a spendy defense. Instead, he had access to the clips where he was present. He has pleaded guilty to obstruction of a govt proceeding which is a felony and carries a maximum of 30 years. He wasn't given that long a sentence and was also given credit for time served. Here's the DoJ press release. ... tol-breach
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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by dorankj »

Because the government illegally prevented a honest defense! Government holding people to indefinite solitary confinement and refusing to allow exculpatory evidence is wrong on a ton of levels. I can’t believe how you will trade foundational bedrock principles and law simply to win politically and get your perceived boogeyman.
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Re: Fox's Tucker C begins his selective release of J6

Post by just-jim »

dorankj wrote: Fri Mar 10, 2023 9:21 am What exactly was Jacob chansley’s crimes that day? Walking through open doors and around the capital escorted by police, carrying a flag and making prayers. Just like the gun debate you just don’t like how he looked! The video shows no assault by Jacob, no destruction and by being escorted around by police (who he thanked and prayed for) he likely had the impression that he wasn’t doing more than a misdemeanor. You seem desperate and hysterical to maintain a narrative that just doesn’t fit so many that day and justice isn’t about furthering your hatred of DT.
“you don’t like how he looked” must refer to some theoretical person?

I saw him breach a police line and enter a building through a kicked in window. You approve of Breaking and Entering?
If he was only expecting a misdemeanor, why did he plead to something else?

In any case, thanks for affirming my analysis of your rather illogical position.
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