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Pregnancy and covid, appalling

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 8:49 am
by mister_coffee
From the Seattle Times, paywalled:

Pregnant, unvaccinated and intubated: Doctors alarmed by rise in virus cases among expectant mothers

Apparently originally from Bloomberg, but I can't find the original source.
More young and healthy pregnant people are ending up hospitalized on ventilators, delivering babies prematurely and sometimes dying from COVID-19 during the delta-fueled spike in cases.

Doctors across the country are reporting this trend, not seen in previous surges, largely in the South but also in states like California and Washington. As of Aug. 14, 76.2% of pregnant people were unvaccinated.

Pregnant women with COVID-19 are 15 times more likely to die, 14 times more likely to need to be intubated, and 22 times more likely to have preterm birth than those who are uninfected, according to a study published this month in JAMA Network Open.