
Tristan Glib's Posts
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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »

Last edited by tristanbgilb on Sat Jan 07, 2023 7:25 am, edited 1 time in total.



KFAC-LP 105.5 FM Twisp WA
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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »


It is now June 15, 1995. I am 87 years old and Leonard is 90. Leonard is living in the Vista View Rest Home since August 1994. We had our 69th Wedding Anniversary at the rest home on May 11, 1995. We had a beautiful day and so much love and happiness wished upon us. We had our pictures taken and a write up was presented in the Tri-City Herald newspaper. Dale and family are in Iowa and going well. Aaron will begin his second year at college in the Fall. Danny has a job and has his own apartment. Larrisa is very good in sports and music. She is tall and slender. Dale is still working in a rest home. Blaine still has his church in Hamburg, Iowa and they have a new home. I asked their son, Aaron, why he picked being a mortician as a career. "Well Grandma, its good pay and there is always a job."

Robert Gilbert, my nephew and his family have helped me so much with my Life Story. I really appreciate their help. Robert with the story, Dorrene, Robert's wife, and son, Rick, helped with the cover.

I am living with Bonnie in a real nice apartment in Kennewick. We get along great and she takes good care of me. Gilbert and Elaine take care of all of us. I have my ticket to Heaven and I am just waiting to use it. Give God Praise and Glory.

THE JOURNEY OF JOY This is my Grampa Gilbert's sister's autobiography as written by my Dad's brother

GOLD by FRANK HEATH FRANK Austin gave me the duty of preserving his grampa's book. This book documents the gold rush of the Methow Valley.

Freedom of Self Expression This is the journal I kept in the loony bin.

BAK COUNTRY MINES by Harvey Austin This is the diary Harvey kept as he worked the mines at the end of Twisp River Road.


TREASURE map FRANK AUSTIN gave me his mining papers TUNNEL map Wolverine Plan of operation QUIT CLAIM DEED Twisp River Org --My Active Mineral Claim

BOB Marley Coloring BookImage
Last edited by tristanbgilb on Sun Aug 15, 2021 7:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.



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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »


On May 11, 1986, Gilbert and Elaine, Paul and Bonnie gave us our 60th wedding anniversary celebration at the Columbia Community Church of God. I told Bonnie that they should not do anything for our 60th because they had done such a beautiful celebration for our 50th anniversary. She told me to just stay out of it, because everything was going to be a surprise for us. We were to be at the church at 2 P.M..
When we arrived, everything was a surprise. Leonard's family came. His family that came from Condon, Oregon was Lenore, his sister-in- law, his two nieces, Alice Marie and Janet, and one of Alice Marie's sons (she had seven children). Many friends, neighbors and relatives also came to honor us during this celebration. June Blankenship and family provided the top, Precious Moments, for our cake. Beverly Hartley and family brought some beautiful flowers. We received many lovely cards and gifts of money. It was such a precious day. Guy's family teased me about going for our 70th wedding anniversary.
Marsha McCoy, Leslie and Helen's youngest daughter, made the mints after she came from Sacramento and became very tired afterwards. She said she was never going to make any more mints for a wedding. I asked her, "How about our 70th, would she make them for that." So she promised that she would.

Leonard and I both felt very special and loved by this special celebration provided and supported by our relatives, friends and church brethren. We were moved by the special love demonstrated by those who traveled long distances at considerable expense to honor us during this occasion. Their names are recorded in our guest book. I pray that God will richly bless and keep each one of them in His precious care.



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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »


I cannot close this without telling about the wonderful 50th wedding anniversary celebration the children gave us. We repeated our vows, everything was so beautiful and we felt so loved. It was held in our Columbia Community Church on West Kennewick Avenue. Now we have six months to go for our 60th and are still so very much in love. Each year brings us closer together. Our children are so good to us and do so many nice things for us. We have three great grandchildren, Daniel Leonard, Aaron Nathaniel, and Larissa Joy. We are so proud of them and thank God every day for them and for being so good and loving to us. To know that each day we have such a dear wonderful Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Trinity, watching over us, loving, compassionate, forgiving and to know that we really belong to Him.



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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »


I don't think there was ever a family closer than ours. We celebrated every event and made such a beautiful day of it. We were so excited over Daniel Leonard's coming after losing our beloved Dewey Clark. We were so anxious for another baby.

Danny was a strong healthy baby. He and I were so close. He was an Eagle Scout. After each trip he went on he would call me the minute he got home saying, "Hi Grandma, this is Dan!" telling me about his trips, the pictures he took, and the fun things. In the night I still hear him say, "Hi Grandma, this is Dan!"

He loved bugs of all kinds. Elaine is very frightened of any of them. When we heard a shriek, we knew Danny had found a treasure to show his mom. He was such a big tease. He delivered newspapers for a long time. He would set his alarm, deliver his papers early in the morning, come home, reset his alarm to rest, and go to Sunday School and Church. He finally got his family to go to Church with him.

We could hardly stand it when Danny went to Vietnam. But he felt he had to do it. He loved his country and did not want the war to spread to America. Leonard retired in July 9, 1969. July 12, 1969 our Danny was killed in Vietnam. He gave his life to save others. He did not suffer, but was killed instantly. Ten medals were awarded Gilbert and Elaine following Danny's death, including the Purple Heart and the Silver Star. The new armory in Pasco is named after Dan. Gilbert and Elaine published Dan's correspondence home in a book entitled, Letters from Nam.

Edgar and Guy were very close. There was just one house between them, Edgar's first Kennewick home. They would take walks together, drink coffee, and finally nap in their chairs watching television. They did this until Edgar fell and broke his hip. Marcella was so good to

Edgar, spending hours caring for him and making him comfortable. I appreciated how good she was to him. She only had him in the rest home after she had fallen and broken her wrist. It almost broke my heart when a progression of strokes eventually left him so that he could no longer recognize me. Marcella's brother, Victor Rogers, stopped in every day from work and had prayer and sang songs with Edgar.

My brother Guy died November 24, 1972. My brother Edgar died on February 2, 1974. Mary Dana was killed in an auto accident in 1972. In the same accident, Dale's baby Mary Katharine was still born.

Barrie Francis Pickett was killed August 31, 1973 in a car accident in San Jose, California. He was in the navy and preparing to go out on the Kitty Hawk. The Kitty Hawk suffered several tragic incidents that could have caused serious injury to Barrie. One never gets over the loss of our darlings, but God gives comfort and I will see them someday. I praise Him that none of them suffered.

After Danny was killed in Vietnam, I became very sick and nearly died. Dale really told me off, and good. She said, "Grandma, you always told us about God and his great love, and goodness." "But you are not acting like a Christian!" "You are so full of self pity that you are killing yourself and hurting your whole family!" It really started me thinking and praying. I prayed for forgiveness and began to get better.

We lost our first Grandson, Dewey Clark, when he was less than a day old. It was such a sad time and I always wondered if he would remain a baby or grow into a child or an adult. As a new baby cannot see or do anything for them, I was concerned that they should not remain so helpless in heaven.

On one of my sleepless nights, I begged God to give me a glimpse of Heaven, remembering how he had helped me when Papa had passed away. I knew when Jesus took me by the hand and led me into Heaven. I'll never forget the sky so blue, the flowers so colorful and the music so beautiful. I realized that I had never before heard such beautiful music. Soon I was in the presence of people with such happy faces.
Love, peace, and praise was there.

I caught sight of two young men talking together. I knew Danny at once, but couldn't tell who the other young man was. I asked Jesus, "Who is the tall man standing next to Danny?" Jesus replied, "That is Dewey Clark." I said, "Of course, he looks like Danny, only a little bit taller." I saw so many people, relatives, friends, and neighbors. It was so wonderful. I also saw other family members and loved ones, but was not able to recognize everyone.

I wish I had the words to describe Heaven to you. The lights, the beautiful colors, the flowers of such beauty, and music. You have never heard such beautiful music. The joy, peace, and happiness on all the faces that are there. How I look forward to that day. What a day of rejoicing that will be.

I wasn't there very long and then Jesus said, "It is time to go back now." It was so peaceful and lovely there. I didn't want to leave. I could still hear this beautiful music, fading off in the distance.

Then I realized I was home in my own bed. Leonard was awake and up. I asked him if he could hear that Heavenly music. He said that he did not hear anything. As the music finally drifted away, I felt peace and soon went to sleep.

I felt guilty because I didn't want to leave Heaven. I talked to Pastor Smatlak about this. He said it was only natural for me to want to remain, but that I should realize that Jesus wanted me to witness more for him on earth.

I now feel better prepared to enter the gates of Heaven to stay. I didn't see Jesus's face, but I felt His nail scarred hand as he took my hand in his. How I love Him and know that He loves me, that I am His child. He is always with us, day and night. He never leaves us alone and never gives us more than we can bear. Praise His Holy Name.

When our Grandson, Daniel Leonard, was killed in Vietnam, our hearts were broken. He was so close to us. I still couldn't seem to cope with it like I should. It was hard for me to eat or sleep. I lost so much weight. I didn't realize what I was putting my family through, especially

Leonard. He had his own grief to go through and was also so worried about me.



KFAC-LP 105.5 FM Twisp WA
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