Civil War???

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Re: Civil War???

Post by tristanbgilb »

tristanbgilb wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 7:20 pm Image

I wrote this letter to the senate about a decade ago trying to negotiate the end to the holy war they got themselves into.
The endless fighting machine
Is it dream or nighmare
the stare
the glaze
eyes of wonder
eyes of might
let me grow
the herb its right
left right left right left right left
soldiers march together
Nothing left to do
satan's got the country
devil is at the throne
I will grow
I will live
I will want
and sometimes give
take heed
there is so much need
zombie apocalypse so real
Its in the crystal meth
its in the fentanyl
Its the LSD
All the fakes
all the hates
people hating each other with drug poisoned minds
alcoholic normalcy
cannabis prohibition
without cause
to torture the innocent
as the demons applause
I will be free
I will be me
I have a god
and he is my guide
satan on my heals
the friend of the devil is a friend of mine
peaceful coexistance
living together
loving each other
He is here
the prophet christ
so greater than me
not so fond of rice
in prayer
lets not give
into the devestation
bible nears the bend
revelations laughter
devil in the whole
Prophet Mohammad unleashing rivals
God is the almighty might
fear not
as I walk this path
on the razors edge
without dispair
help me I might fall
I might need a lift
for my flesh is all so human
and bleeds red



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Re: Civil War???

Post by tristanbgilb »

Free Ourselves Free Our MInds Break Away from the mind control machine
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Re: Civil War???

Post by tristanbgilb »

tristanbgilb wrote: Thu Feb 03, 2022 1:12 pm
tristanbgilb wrote: Thu Feb 03, 2022 12:58 pm Theme Song

the delusional belief that one is important, powerful, or famous, as a form or symptom of mental disorder.
tristanbgilb wrote: Tue Feb 01, 2022 7:15 pm Image
I think my spirit animal is the mountain goat... I don't eat meat, I don't indulge in alchohol. We had goats that liked alcohol after a barley truck turned over on the hill and it rained and fermented on the ground. I am goat.
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Re: Civil War???

Post by tristanbgilb »

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Re: Civil War???

Post by tristanbgilb »

Medical Marijuana was legalized in Washington State by voter initiative. I have had a medical marijuana card for about 15 years. It was a long hard struggle to even find a doctor to approve cannabis as medicine when the initiative first became law. Medical Doctors willing to discuss cannabis with patients were at risk losing their medical license. I think it took me over 5 years to find a doctor willing to discuss the intractable pain I had from a broken neck and signing off on medical marijuana for me. I would have to drive to Spokane and pay 200 dollars every year to this doctor that was the only doctor known to be signing medical cannabis permits in Washington, Oregon, and Hawaii. He would rent a hotel room and line us up. He was like a rock star to us so brave and so honest. He might see 100 patients in a day and then he would catch a plane to the next clinic. He was old and near retirement and was willing to risk his license. Having a medical cannabis card was no guarantee to having medicine to treat pain. There were no 502 pot stores in Washington and the powers at bay were ticked off about people organizing enough to gain a loophole for medical freedom that wasn't profitable to the drug companies.

I have never met anyone in the Taliban. I don't know what that is or what they think or do to women. I have met Muslim persons who have seen my spirit and taken time to give me lessons on the basics of their beliefs. I remember the lesson in a mental hospital when a nurse told me he was Muslim. He explained in slicing motion indicating mess with him and first he will chop off your legs, then chop you at the groin. Finally in mercy he will cut off your head.

I consider myself to be reincarnated from the Muslim prophet Mohammad. At this point in my understanding of God and Spirit, I tend to think Mohammad was the Prophet of the Angel Lucifer. As such Muslim is the devil's religion. I am appointed to be President of the Black Panthers. I respect what I have seen of black panther forces firsthand and they have helped me stay alive through my struggles and actively participate in the holy war. I have had to repent for some of my actions as the black panther president. I wonder if Biden repents for his errors. If Taliban is in fact Muslim, many have to repent also.



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Re: Civil War???

Post by tristanbgilb »

While it is really too much to expect a person so demonized as our friend joe to work towards the good of humanity and do god's work, it is apparent to me that he likely did take the oath of presidency requiring him to protect the constitution of the United States. It is congress that passes these unconstitutional plant laws. It is the president that signs them and breaks the constitution. It is the supreme court who refuses to overturn this gross constitutional breech. All branches of the government are broken and have no right to govern due to incompetency in all dimensions. Let's just look at the holy bible. The first page of the Old Testament legalizes plants that produce seed that grow plants of the same kind as the parent plant. Genesis God creates everything including the seed-bearing herbs that my creator has ordered me to farm. As a Christian I am not allowed to follow my religion in the USA. I understand that Israel allows cannabis medicine and understands the importance of this first chapter of genesis. Yet a jew cannot exist with plant medicine and farming in America land of the free where freedom of religion is guaranteed in the constitution. I have an understanding that Muslim consider the book of genesis holy as well. I can remember as a kid getting excited about Afghan cannabis indica. Our nation in a plight to keep a separation of church and state have forgotten that i still have the right to my church whether or not the state agrees with what my god has to say or not. I have the right to religion, and I demand it to be so. Only a fool would give up who he is and his lord god due to some legislation signed by dimwit morons voted in by fruit loops. He is not my President.



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Re: Civil War???

Post by tristanbgilb »

I think the article is above my reading level. I do think the internet is part of god's plan to save humanity. It is giving the little man a world voice and making the big media less and less powerful. The internet has become a mainstream source of communication and information. It affects me personally in many ways. I am able to publish my own print on demand books or self-publishing with really no overhead cost. The music industry is now open to independent artists who sign no contract with a record company. The internet has made the world a much smaller place. It also has some very dark places of crime and horror symptomatic of the ills of world societies. For me, one of the biggest challenges I endure in my life is cannabis prohibition. I am watching as Joe Biden pretends to be president and doesn't even address this issue. As the so-called leader of the free world, you would think he wouldn't want it so obvious he is a liar and all his cronies claiming no medical use for cannabis as Pharmaceuatical drugs both real and counterfeit undermine and rot our society. I have no respect for those that create unconstitutional laws criminalizing most world religions including my own. I am a law-abiding citizen with medical needs that Biden would have me imprisoned for if he were as law abiding as me. Only the feds are hypocrites. They won't follow the constitution of this country because the supreme court of this nation doesn't require it. It must be pretty neat to feel all powerful while my lord prepares a place in eternal hell for him and anyone who opposes the 13 Commandments of My father in heaven, our creator who takes to my prayers and patiently listens. Moses was given 10 Commandments. Jesus has two commandments, love god, love neighbor. I was given the 13th commandment of my lord and creator. I was told to grow cannabis for health and prosperity. 666 for he knows time is short.



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Re: Civil War???

Post by tristanbgilb »

I am still not clear on your definition of civil war but tend to think my war includes your civil war only mine is the much greater world war. I have found no land safe for this yah rasta to dwell safely with god and holy spirit. The cannabis sacrament has been demonized by most if not all governments throughout this entire planet earth. Here we have a localized government under mayor soo who allow me to grow and flourish. I have cried for those that have been killed and injured in so many ways under the forces of my troops and soldiers. I have also cried for my troops and soldiers who have been killed and tortured in the line of duty. Mostly I cry for the innocent, the young, the weak, the old, and the hungry. Our demands have been simple, but our ways not always organized. We will have plant medicine which includes cannabis, poppy, coca and on and on. GMO Plants are illegal. Now released to the earth environment there may be no going back and generations to come will suffer greatly from this bastardization of god's creation. This is the war I am fighting. With me are the spirits of the natives who have never surrendered to this occupation of america. With me are the freed american slaves whose ancestry reaches to the far corners of the African Nations. With me are the farmers and peasants and the hippies and lovers of freedom who know in their own hearts as I know in mine that god set us free so why can't our own government in this so called land of the free. I am the president though I hide and do little but think these days with a constant prayer. Joe Biden presides over demons. I am a president guided by angels without human authority. I am a dad and a husband and son and brother. I am many things and titles. President is fine. Sounds better than dictator.



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Re: Civil War???

Post by tristanbgilb »

Our nation is at civil war and has been all my life on earth. The fight against tyranny must never end no matter how futile it seems to resist. No matter how great the aggressor, I will not stop this fight until freedom and justice prevail in this land. Let my cries be heard to no one but the river and the wind but there are tears and my fight is in my heart and my anger is in my fists of rage that pound nothing but my chest to the eagle who sees me as he fishes above. How can I stay quiet as children are hungry and medicine remains illegal? Seeds that provide plant life of cannabis nature are the forefront of this evil nature of our government officials who blindly follow criminal laws and imprison and torture the innocent. Let us grow cannabis and let cannabis bring health and prosperity to this nation. Healthy people in body mind and spirit can learn to live together lovingly amongst themselves in caring nurturing ways. Let us all set aside our differences and rejoice in our families and children. Let us farm. Let us have medicine. Let all of our families heal and not suffer so greatly with this government burden that is so cruel that cannabis medicine is taxed and criminalized to keep good people down and sick and fighting with each other.



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Re: Civil War???

Post by PAL »

David, here is the post you were going to move. I like your answer. Being unorganized will defeat them. But lets not tell them.

alfrandell wrote: ↑Mon Jan 10, 2022 8:54 am
...Possibly a trumpist revolt that may be taking place.

Just my $0.02: the right-wingers who claim that a civil war is coming ought to consider that their own side's inability to cooperate or make sacrifices for the common good, even when they are in their own best interest, is a profound weakness going into a fight.

And as Sun Tzu pointed out, you defeat an enemy by attacking them where they are weakest, not strongest.
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Re: Civil War???

Post by PAL »

Yes, to you too David. So do we "do" anything? Do we think/hope something like this does not come to the Methow Valley?
Weird things can happen anywhere. These folks are living in a dangerous fantasy world. They think their fellow citizens are their enemy if we don't agree with them.
There are some intelligent kooks, but alot are uneducated. They feel they have been slighted, cast aside. They want to take back what they have "lost".
I guess they like the Koch Bros.
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Re: Civil War???

Post by mister_coffee »

But in all of this there are a lot of kooks who are stockpiling weapons and ammo for the big event. Yes, it is a grift but our safety and well-being are likely to (again) be collateral damage. Kind of like the big covid grift of the last couple of years (e.g. "covid is fake", "masks don't work", "the vaccines are mind-controlling nanotechnology").

Since they are kooks at least some of them are going to do something terribly stupid and get a lot of people, possibly including themselves, killed.
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Re: Civil War???

Post by PAL »

Yes, Rideback.
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Re: Civil War???

Post by Rideback »

The call for a civil war is a political ploy driven by the grifters who make millions off their you tubes, podcasts and all the way up to the Fox, OAN, Newsmax channels. The grifters stoke the fear, rewrite history to fit the narrative that generates the most $. The conspiracies get crazier by the day as the grifters have to up their game. They create new labels, sell the tshirts and hats with the labels printed on them and off they go to the bank.

There is no CRT taught in our schools, but it sells tshirts and guns. Follow the money.
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Re: Civil War???

Post by PAL »

And who is doing the talking about this civil war they seem to want? Look at who it is. They are clueless of the outcome. What is needed is some people to do something about the corporatocracy that we have. People that blame one party for all of the "woes" we have are not looking at what is really going on. See what the Koch brothers have been up to and that is part of the answer.
No, they rather waste time trying to kill Nancy or Pence or governors of the states.
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Civil War???

Post by mister_coffee »

Mickey M. wrote: Tue Jan 25, 2022 4:36 am ^^That tiny minority of insurrectionists would be fighting against one of the strongest military establishments in the history of human kind.

We saw what happened when they tried to take the capitol. Many were identified from their social media accounts, outted and lost their jobs. Many are in jail.

That story line may sell media ads, but not realistic.

Most people want to live and raise their families in peace.

Oh and it's not hard to cancel Amazon prime.
Agreed that a civil war would be pointless, idiotic, ultimately self-destructive, and not in anybody's self interest. But
I'd feel a lot better about that argument if we hadn't had pretty eloquent demonstrations these last two years that a lot of our fellow citizens are perfectly willing to do pointless, idiotic, and self-destructive things that aren't in their own self interest.

I'm also not 100 percent clear where the US military would end up in all this. Let's face it, their recent history fighting insurgencies hasn't exactly been a story of shining successes. And a wise strategist would probably be looking for ways to provoke them (the military) into what many would view as wild and unnecessary overreactions. I doubt very much that having the military intervene in something like this would be a Good Sign.

I suspect that any civil war here would be unimaginably savage. There are lots of very clever sociopaths in this country. When I look at gadgetry you can buy online, mostly at very low cost, it is pretty clear that you can easily purchase all of the parts you'd need to make improvised weapons as deadly and scary as most any of the conventional weapons our own military uses. I won't go into too many details, but you can buy low-cost thermal sensors and drones with good terrain and obstacle avoidance, and it doesn't seem that hard to me to adapt that stuff into a low-cost mobile IED.

My guess is that if we really went to the mat on this that any elected official (Republican, Democratic, or whatever) and possibly their families would be very and messily dead within six months of the opening of hostilities.
Last edited by mister_coffee on Tue Jan 25, 2022 1:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
:arrow: David Bonn :idea:
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